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Friday, December 17, 2010

EIR Practical 6~ Activity4:

Activity 4 blog Reflection~!  (not finish yet since i am not able to use the invisible web to search for my information)

a. Do you think it is more effective to search the invisible web(databases) than using search engines, meta-search or subject directories?Why?

b.Will you use the invisible web(databases) for research in your own respective Diplomas? Why?

c.What have you learnt from your Wiki experience during this practical?

From this practical, for my Wiki experience i am able to understand the effectiveness of sharing information. Through this Wiki exercise, i am able to understand better and to get a range of different information based on my research topic. Wiki helps me to be more thorough in searching for information as well to avoid having found/posted the same information as other students.Wiki is also a good activity to learn from one anothers mistakes.

d. Comment on at least one of your classmate's blog post.

Commented on a few of my classmate's post. The blogs which are in my blog links. (:

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

ERI Practical 4&5~ Activity 3 (:

Site Feedings and Blog Reflections:

a. What benefits do you get when using different search facilities to search for resources related to your topic?

The benefits of using different search facilities is that i am able to obtain a range of variety of results of different types from blogs to news articles to journals to full text documents and lots more. This would then widen my knowledge of the topic i am researching on hence, i am able to get more information. If i were to use only one search facility, i might not get particular result which i might find in another search facility. Therfore, it is best to use multiple and different search facilities as i would then be able to get a much better idea of the topic i'm searching for.

b. How do you feel about using site feeds in your blog ?

I feel that it a a good way to connect to other people and share one anothers blogs. By having site feeds, i can simply and easily be linked up to another persons blogs may it be my classmate, teachers, families etc. This way, i feel that we are more connected and able to learn about the other person more through thier blogs and postings. With site feeds, i need not worry that i forgot my friends blog URL as it will be just a click away.

c. What do you like best about collaborating on wiki with other students who share similar research topic as you?

For me, i like most was to be able to read and get to learn from other students research information they have found. Since, my information found is not the same as other students information, by reading other students research information i would be able to get more knowledge on my research topic and hence be able to understand it better and look out for more better information. I feel that this way of learning from one another is a very good way for students. In addition, through Wiki , we students can exchange thoughts about one anothers work and findings and help one another.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Wikiii Collaborative Work ~ (Sharing My Research findings) ~

I Posted My summarized information on my Topic which is
Developments and Usage of Twitter in Education

I had a good time posting information on my related topic research and had some hard time trying to summarize the infrmation since i am able to post a maximum of 2000 characters only :)
nevertheless, i managed to get some information in and i will post another information based on my other link to a resource. Wiiki-iing is a good thing as it helps us to share information some of which might be common or might be very hard to find but found by others. From here, we are able to have a wider prospect on the research topic and thus, have a better view/opinion on it.

This also leads me to viewing diferent types of information posted, from videos, articles etc.

Below is the screenshot of my posting on EIR Wiikii (: will add on more soon to come~
Hope the information i posted is useful/helpful, will post different sources of information soon too. ((: